А  Б  В  Г  Д  Е  Ж  З  И  Й  К  Л  М  Н  О  П  Р  С  Т  У  Ф  Х  Ц  Ч  Ш  Щ  Э  Ю  Я  A-Z


A Modern Comedy – 5

From preface: In naming this second part of The Forsyte Chronicles "A Modern Comedy" the word Comedy is stretched, perhaps as far as the word Saga was stretched to cover the first part. And yet, what but a comedic view can be taken, what but comedic significance gleaned, of so restive a period as that in which we have lived since the war? An Age which knows not what it wants, yet is intensely preoccupied with getting it, must evoke a smile, if rather a sad one.
John Galsworthy
Swan Song

“We are such stuff
As dreams are made on;
and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.”
The Tempest
Chapter I.
In modern Society, one thing after another, this spice on that, ensures a kind of memoristic vacuum, and Fleur Mont’s passage of arms with Marjorie Ferrar was, by the spring of 1926, well-nigh forgotten. Moreover, she gave Society’s memory no encouragement, for, after her tour round the world, she was interested in the Empire–a bent so out of fashion as to have all the flavour and excitement of novelty with a sort of impersonality guaranteed.
Colonials, Americans, and Indian students, people whom nobody could suspect of being lions, now encountered each other in the ‘bimetallic parlour,’ and were found by Fleur ‘very interesting,’ especially the Indian students, so supple and enigmatic, that she could never tell whether she were ‘using’ them or they were ‘using’ her.
Perceiving the extraordinarily uphill nature of Foggartism, she had been looking for a second string to Michael’s Parliamentary bow, and, with her knowledge of India, where she had spent six weeks of her tour, she believed that she had found it in the idea of free entrance for the Indians into Kenya. In her talks with these Indian students, she learned that it was impossible to walk in a direction unless you knew what it was. These young men might be complicated and unpractical, meditative and secret, but at least they appeared to be convinced that the molecules in an organism mattered less than the organism itself–that they, in fact, mattered less than India. Fleur, it seemed, had encountered faith–a new and “intriguing” experience. She mentioned the fact to Michael.
“It’s all very well,” he answered, “but our Indian friends didn’t live for four years in the trenches, or the fear thereof, for the sake of their faith. If they had, they couldn’t possibly have the feeling that it matters as much as they think it does. They might want to, but their feelers would be blunted. That’s what the war really did to all of us in Europe who were in the war.”
“That doesn’t make ‘faith’ any less interesting,” said Fleur, drily.
“Well, my dear, the prophets abuse us for being at loose ends, but can you have faith in a life force so darned extravagant that it makes mince-meat of you by the million? Take it from me, Victorian times fostered a lot of very cheap and easy faith, and our Indian friends are in the same case–their India has lain doggo since the Mutiny, and that was only a surface upheaval. So you needn’t take ’em too seriously.”
“I don’t; but I like the way they believe they’re serving India.”
And at his smile she frowned, seeing that he thought she was only increasing her collection.
Her father-inlaw, who had really made some study of orientalism, lifted his eyebrow over these new acquaintances.
“My oldest friend,” he said, on the first of May, “is a judge in India. He’s been there forty years. When he’d been there two, he wrote to me that he was beginning to know something about the Indians. When he’d been there ten, he wrote that he knew all about them. I had a letter from him yesterday, and he says that after forty years he knows nothing about them. And they know as little about us. East and West–the circulation of the blood is different.”
“Hasn’t forty years altered the circulation of your friend’s blood?”
“Not a jot,” replied Sir Lawrence. “It takes forty generations. Give me another cup of your nice Turkish coffee, my dear. What does Michael say about the general strike?”
“That the Government won’t budge unless the T. U. C. withdraw the notice unreservedly.”
“Exactly! And but for the circulation of English blood there’d be ‘a pretty mess,’ as old Forsyte would say.”
“Michael’s sympathies are with the miners.”
“So are mine, young lady. Excellent fellow, the miner–but unfortunately cursed with leaders. The mine-owners are in the same case. Those precious leaders are going to grind the country’s nose before they’ve done. Inconvenient product–coal; it’s blackened our faces, and now it’s going to black our eyes. Not a merry old soul! Well, good-bye! My love to Kit, and tell Michael to keep his head.”
This was precisely what Michael was trying to do. When ‘the Great War’ broke out, though just old enough to fight, he had been too young to appreciate the fatalism which creeps over human nature with the approach of crisis. He was appreciating it now before ‘the Great Strike,’ together with the peculiar value which the human being attaches to saving face. He noticed that both sides had expressed the intention of meeting the other side in every way, without, of course, making any concessions whatever; that the slogans, ‘Longer hours, less wages,’ ‘Not a minute more, not a bob off,’ curtsied, and got more and more distant as they neared each other. And now, with the ill-disguised impatience of his somewhat mercurial nature, Michael was watching the sober and tentative approaches of the typical Britons in whose hands any chance of mediation lay. When, on that memorable Monday, not merely the faces of the gentlemen with slogans, but the very faces of the typical Britons, were suddenly confronted with the need for being saved, he knew that all was up; and, returning from the House of Commons at midnight, he looked at his sleeping wife. Should he wake Fleur and tell her that the country was “for it,” or should he not? Why spoil her beauty sleep? She would know soon enough. Besides, she wouldn’t take it seriously. Passing into his dressing-room, he stood looking out of the window at the dark square below. A general strike at twelve hours’ notice! ‘Some’ test of the British character! The British character? Suspicion had been dawning on Michael for years that its appearances were deceptive; that members of Parliament, theatre-goers, trotty little ladies with dresses tight blown about trotty little figures, plethoric generals in armchairs, pettish and petted poets, parsons in pulpits, posters in the street–above all, the Press, were not representative of the national disposition. If the papers were not to come out, one would at least get a chance of feeling and seeing British character; owing to the papers, one never had seen or felt it clearly during the war, at least not in England. In the trenches, of course, one had–there, sentiment and hate, advertisement and moonshine, had been ‘taboo,’ and with a grim humour the Briton had just ‘carried on,’ unornamental and sublime, in the mud and the blood, the stink and the racket, and the endless nightmare of being pitchforked into fire without rhyme or reason! The Briton’s defiant humour that grew better as things grew worse, would–he felt–get its chance again now. And, turning from the window, he undressed and went back into the bedroom.
Fleur was awake.
“Well, Michael?”
“The strike’s on.”
“What a bore!”
“Yes; we shall have to exert ourselves.”
“What did they appoint that Commission for, and pay all that subsidy, if not to avoid this?”
“My clear girl, that’s mere common-sense–no good at all.”
“Why can’t they come to an agreement?”
“Because they’ve got to save face. Saving face is the strongest motive in the world.”
“How do you mean?”
“Well, it caused the war; it’s causing the strike now; without ‘saving face’ there’d probably be no life on the earth at all by this time.”
“Don’t be absurd!”
Michael kissed her.
“I suppose you’ll have to do something,” she said, sleepily. “There won’t be much to talk about in the House while this is on.”
“No; we shall sit and glower at each other, and use the word ‘formula’ at stated intervals.”
“I wish we had a Mussolini.”
“I don’t. You pay for him in the long run. Look at Diaz and Mexico; or Lenin and Russia; or Napoleon and France; or Cromwell and England, for the matter of that.”
“Charles the Second,” murmured Fleur into her pillow, “was rather a dear.”
Michael stayed awake a little, disturbed by the kiss, slept a little, woke again. To save face! No one would make a move because of their faces. For nearly an hour he lay trying to think out a way of saving them all, then fell asleep. He woke at seven with the feeling that he had wasted his time. Under the appearance of concern for the country, and professions of anxiety to find a ‘formula,’ too many personal feelings, motives, and prejudices were at work. As before the war, there was a profound longing for the humiliation and dejection of the adversary; each wished his face saved at the expense of the other fellow’s!
He went out directly after breakfast.
People and cars were streaming in over Westminster Bridge, no ‘buses ran, no trams; but motor lorries, full or empty, rumbled past. Some ‘specials’ were out already, and emaciated men were selling an emaciated print called The British Gazette. Everybody wore an air of defiant jollity. Michael moved on towards Hyde Park. Over night had sprung up this amazing ordered mish-mash of lorries and cans and tents! In the midst of all the mental and imaginative lethargy which had produced this national crisis–what a wonderful display of practical and departmental energy! ‘They say we can’t organise!’ thought Michael; ‘can’t we just–AFTER THE EVENT!’
He went on to a big railway station. It was picketed, but they were running trains already, with volunteer labour. Poking round, he talked here and there among the volunteers. ‘By George!’ he thought, ‘these fellows’ll want feeding! What about a canteen?’ And he returned post haste to South Square.
Fleur was in.
“Will you help me run a railway canteen for volunteers?” He saw the expression, ‘Is that a good stunt?’ rise on her face, and hurried on:
“It’ll mean frightfully hard work; and getting anybody we can to help. I daresay I could rope in Norah Curfew and her gang from Bethnal Green for a start. But it’s your quick head that’s wanted, and your way with men.”
Fleur smiled. “All right,” she said.
They took the car–a present from Soames on their return from round the world–and went about, picking people up and dropping them again. They recruited Norah Curfew and ‘her gang’ in Bethnal Green; and during this first meeting of Fleur with one whom she had been inclined to suspect as something of a rival, Michael noted how, within five minutes, she had accepted Norah Curfew as too ‘good’ to be dangerous. He left them at South Square in conference over culinary details, and set forth to sap the natural opposition of officialdom. It was like cutting barbed wire on a dark night before an ‘operation.’ He cut a good deal, and went down to the ‘House.’ Humming with unformulated ‘formulas,’ it was, on the whole, the least cheerful place he had been in that day. Everyone was talking of the ‘menace to the Constitution.’ The Government’s long face was longer than ever, and nothing–they said–could be done until it had been saved. The expressions ‘Freedom of the Press’ and ‘At the pistol’s mouth,’ were being used to the point of tautology! He ran across Mr. Blythe brooding in the Lobby on the temporary decease of his beloved Weekly, and took him over to South Square ‘for a bite’ at nine o’clock. Fleur had come in for the same purpose. According to Mr. Blythe, the solution was to ‘form a group’ of right-thinking opinion.
“Exactly, Blythe! But what is right-thinking, at ‘the present time of speaking’?”
“It all comes back to Foggartism,” said Mr. Blythe.
“Oh!” said Fleur, “I do wish you’d both drop that. Nobody will have anything to say to it. You might as well ask the people of today to live like St. Francis d’Assisi.”
“My dear young lady, suppose St. Francis d’Assisi had said that, we shouldn’t be hearing today of St. Francis.”
“Well, what real effect has he had? He’s just a curiosity. All those great spiritual figures are curiosities. Look at Tolstoi now, or Christ, for that matter!”
“Fleur’s rather right, Blythe.”
“Blasphemy!” said Mr. Blythe.
“I don’t know, Blythe; I’ve been looking at the gutters lately, and I’ve come to the conclusion that they put a stopper on Foggartism. Watch the children there, and you’ll see how attractive gutters are! So long as a child can have a gutter, he’ll never leave it. And, mind you, gutters are a great civilising influence. We have more gutters here than any other country and more children brought up in them; and we’re the most civilised people in the world. This strike’s going to prove that. There’ll be less bloodshed and more good humour than there could be anywhere else; all due to the gutter.”
“Renegade!” said Mr. Blythe.
“Well,” said Michael, “Foggartism, like all religions, is the over-expression of a home truth. We’ve been too wholesale, Blythe. What converts have we made?”
“None,” said Mr. Blythe. “But if we can’t take children from the gutter, Foggartism is no more.”
Michael wriggled; and Fleur said promptly: “What never was can’t be no more. Are you coming with me to see the kitchens, Michael–they’ve been left in a filthy state. How does one deal with beetles on a large scale?”
“Get a beetle-man–sort of pied piper, who lures them to their fate.”
Arrived on the premises of the canteen-to-be, they were joined by Ruth La Fontaine, of Norah Curfew’s ‘gang,’ and descended to the dark and odorous kitchen. Michael struck a match, and found the switch. Gosh! In the light, surprised, a brown-black scuttling swarm covered the floor, the walls, the tables. Michael had just sufficient control of his nerves to take in the faces of those three–Fleur’s shuddering frown, Mr. Blythe’s open mouth, the dark and pretty Ruth La Fontaine’s nervous smile. He felt Fleur clutch his arm.
The disturbed creatures were finding their holes or had ceased to scuttle; here and there, a large one, isolated, seemed to watch them.
“Imagine!” cried Fleur. “And food’s been cooked here all these years! Ugh!”
“After all,” said Ruth La Fontaine, with a shivery giggle, “they’re not so b-bad as b-bugs.”
Mr. Blythe puffed hard at his cigar. Fleur muttered:
“What’s to be done, Michael?”
Her face was pale; she was drawing little shuddering breaths; and Michael was thinking: ‘It’s too bad; I must get her out of this!’ when suddenly she seized a broom and rushed at a large beetle on the wall. In a minute they were all at it–swabbing and sweeping, and flinging open doors and windows.
Chapter II.
Winifred Dartie had not received her Morning Post. Now in her sixty-eighth year, she had not followed too closely the progress of events which led up to the general strike–they were always saying things in the papers, and you never knew what was true; those Trades Union people, too, were so interfering, that really one had no patience. Besides, the Government always did something in the end. Acting, however, on the advice of her brother Soames, she had filled her cellars with coal and her cupboards with groceries, and by ten o’clock on the second morning of the strike, was seated comfortably at the telephone.
“Is that you, Imogen? Are you and Jack coming for me this evening?”
“No, Mother. Jack’s sworn in, of course. He has to be on duty at five. Besides, they say the theatres will close. We’ll go later. ‘Dat Lubly Lady’s’ sure to run.”
“Very well, dear. But what a fuss it all is! How are the boys?”
“Awfully fit. They’re both going to be little ‘specials.’ I’ve made them tiny badges. D’you think the child’s department at Harridge’s would have toy truncheons?”
“Sure to, if it goes on. I shall be there today; I’ll suggest it. They’d look too sweet, wouldn’t they? Are you all right for coal?”
“Oh, yes. Jack says we mustn’t hoard. He’s fearfully patriotic.”
“Well, good-bye, dear! My love to the boys!”
She had just begun to consider whom she should call up next when the telephone bell rang.
“Mr. Val Dartie living there?”
“No. Who is it speaking?”
“My name is Stainford. I’m an old college friend of his. Could you give me his address, please?”
Stainford? It conveyed nothing.
“I’m his mother. My son is not in town; but I dare say he will be before long. Can I give him any message?”
“Well, thanks! I want to see him. I’ll ring up again; or take my chance later. Thanks!”
Winifred replaced the receiver.
Stainford! The voice was distinguished. She hoped it had nothing to do with money. Odd, how often distinction was connected with money! Or, rather, with the lack of it. In the old Park Lane days they had known so many fashionables who had ended in the bankruptcy or divorce courts. Emily–her mother–had never been able to resist distinction. That had been the beginning of Monty–he had worn such perfect waistcoats and gardenias, and had known so much about all that was fast–impossible not to be impressed by him. Ah, well! She did not regret him now. Without him she would never have had Val, or Imogen’s two boys, or Benedict (almost a colonel), though she never saw him now, living, as he did, in Guernsey, to grow cucumbers, away from the income tax. They might say what they liked about the age, but could it really be more up-to-date than it was in the ‘nineties and the early years of the century, when income tax was at a shilling, and that considered high! People now just ran about and talked, to disguise the fact that they were not so ‘chic’ and up-to-date as they used to be.
Again the telephone bell rang. “Will you take a trunk call from Wansdon?…”
“Hallo! That you, Mother?”
“Oh, Val, how nice! Isn’t this strike absurd?”
“Silly asses! I say: we’re coming up.”
“Really, dear. But why? You’ll be so much more comfortable in the country.”
“Holly says we’ve got to do things. Who d’you think turned up last night? – her brother–young Jon Forsyte. Left his wife and mother in Paris–said he’d missed the war and couldn’t afford to miss this. Been travelling all the winter–Egypt, Italy, and that–chucked America, I gather. Says he wants to do something dirty–going to stoke an engine. We’re driving up to the Bristol this afternoon.”
“Oh, but why not come to me, dear, I’ve got plenty of everything?”
“Well, there’s young Jon–I don’t think–”
“But he’s a nice boy, isn’t he?”
“Uncle Soames isn’t with you, is he?”
“No, dear. He’s at Mapledurham. Oh, and by the way, Val, someone has just rung up for you–a Mr. Stainford.”
“Stainford? What! Aubrey Stainford–I haven’t seen him since Oxford.”
“He said he would ring up again or take his chance of finding you here.”
“Oh, I’d love to see old Stainford again. Well, if you don’t mind putting us up, Mother. Can’t leave young Jon out, you know–he and Holly are very thick after six years; but I expect he’ll be out all the time.”
“Oh, that’ll be quite all right, dear; and how is Holly?”
“And the horses?”
“All right. I’ve got a snorting two-year-old, rather backward. Shan’t run him till Goodwood, but he ought to win then.”
“That’ll be delightful. Well, dear boy, I’ll expect you. But you won’t be doing anything rash, with your leg?”
“No; just drive a ‘bus, perhaps. Won’t last, you know. The Government’s all ready. Pretty hot stuff. We’ve GOT ’em this time.”
“I’m so glad. It’ll be such a good thing to have it over; it’s dreadfully bad for the season. Your uncle will be very upset.”
An indistinguishable sound; then Val’s voice again:
“I say, Holly says SHE’LL want a job–you might ask young Mont. He’s in with people. See you soon, then–good-bye!”
Replacing the receiver, Winifred had scarcely risen from the satinwood chair on which she had been seated, when the bell rang again.
“Mrs. Dartie?… That you, Winifred? Soames speaking. What did I tell you?”
“Yes; it’s very annoying, dear. But Val says it’ll soon be over.”
“What’s he know about it?”
“He’s very shrewd.”
“Shrewd? H’m! I’m coming up to Fleur’s.”
“But, why, Soames? I should have thought–”
“Must be on the spot, in case of–accidents. Besides, the car’ll be eating its head off down here–may as well be useful. Do that fellow Riggs good to be sworn in. This thing may lead to anything.”
“Oh! Do you think–”
“Think? It’s no joke. Comes of playing about with subsidies.”
“But you told me last summer–”
“They don’t look ahead. They’ve got no more nous than a tom-cat. Annette wants to go to her mother’s in France. I shan’t stop her. She can’t gad about while this is on. I shall take her to Dover with the car today, and come up tomorrow.”
“Ought one to sell anything, Soames?”
“Certainly not.”
“People seem dreadfully busy about it all. Val’s going to drive a ‘bus. Oh! and, Soames–that young Jon Forsyte is back. He’s left his wife and mother in Paris, and come over to be a stoker.”
A deep sound, and then:
“What’s he want to do that for? Much better keep out of England.”
“Ye-es. I suppose Fleur–”
“Don’t you go putting things into HER head!”
“Of course not, Soames. So I shall see you? Good-bye.”
Dear Soames was always so fussy about Fleur! Young Jon Forsyte and she–of course–but that was ages ago! Calf love! And Winifred smiled, sitting very still. This strike was really most ‘intriguing.’ So long as they didn’t break any windows–because, of course, the milk supply would be all right, the Government always saw to that; and as to the newspapers–well, after all, they were a luxury! It would be very nice to have Val and Holly. The strike was really something to talk about; there had been nothing so exciting since the war. And, obeying an obscure instinct to do something about it, Winifred again took up the receiver. “Give me Westminster 0000… Is that Mrs. Michael Mont’s? Fleur? Aunt Winifred speaking. How are you, dear?”
The voice which answered had that quick little way of shaping words that was so amusing to Winifred, who in her youth had perfected a drawl, which effectually dominated both speed and emotion. All the young women in Society nowadays spoke like Fleur, as if they had found the old way of speaking English slow and flat, and were gingering it with little pinches.
“Perfectly all right, thanks. Anything I can do for you, Auntie?”
“Yes, my dear–your cousin Val and Holly are coming up to me about this strike. And Holly–I think it’s very unnecessary, but she wants to DO something. She thought perhaps Michael would know–”
“Oh, well, of course there are lots of things. We’ve started a canteen for railway workers; perhaps she’d like to help in that.”
“My dear, that would be awfully nice.”
“It won’t, Aunt Winifred; it’s pretty strenuous.”
“It can’t last, dear, of course. Parliament are bound to do something about it. It must be a great comfort to you to have all the news at first-hand. Then, may I send Holly to you?”
“But of course. She’ll be very useful. At her age she’d better do supplies, I think, instead of standing about, serving. I get on with her all right. The great thing is to have people that get on together, and don’t fuss. Have you heard from Father?”
“Yes; he’s coming up to you tomorrow.”
“Oh! But why?”
“He says he must be on the spot, in case of–”
“That’s so silly. Never mind. It’ll make two cars.”
“Holly will have hers, too. Val’s going to drive a ‘bus, he says–and–er–young–well, dear, that’s all! My love to Kit. There are a tremendous lot of milk-cans in the Park already, Smither says. She went out this morning into Park Lane to have a look. It’s all rather thrilling, don’t you think?”
“At the House they say it’ll mean another shilling on the income tax before it’s over.”
“Oh, dear!”
At this moment a voice said: “Have they answered?” And, replacing the receiver, Winifred again sat, placid. Park Lane! From the old house there–home of her youth–one would have had a splendid view of everything–quite the headquarters! But how dreadfully the poor old Pater would have felt it! James! She seemed to see him again with his plaid over his shoulders, and his nose glued to a window-pane, trying to cure with the evidence of his old grey eyes the fatal habit they all had of not telling him anything. She still had some of his wine. And Warmson, their old butler, still kept ‘The Pouter Pigeon,’ on the river at Moulsbridge. He always sent her a Stilton cheese at Christmas, with a memorandum of the exact amount of the old Park Lane port she was to pour into it. His last letter had ended thus:
“I often think of the master, and how fond he was of going down the cellar right up to the end. As regards wine, ma’am, I’m afraid the days are not what they were. My duty to Mr. Soames and all. Dear me, it seems a long time since I first came to Park Lane.
“Your obedient servant,
“P. S. – I had a pound or two on that colt Mr. Val bred, please to tell him–and came in useful.”
The old sort of servant! And now she had Smither, from Timothy’s, Cook having died–so mysteriously, or, as Smither put it: “Of hornwee, ma’am, I verily believe, missing Mr. Timothy as we did”–Smither as a sort of supercargo–didn’t they call it, on ships? – and really very capable, considering she was sixty, if a day, and the way her corsets creaked. After all, to be with the family again was a great comfort to the poor old soul–eight years younger than Winifred, who, like a true Forsyte, looked down on the age of others from the platform of perennial youth. And a comfort, too, to have about the house one who remembered Monty in his prime–Montague Dartie, so long dead now, that he had a halo as yellow as his gills had so often been. Poor, dear Monty! Was it really forty-seven years since she married him, and came to live in Green Street? How well those satinwood chairs with the floral green design on their top rails, had worn–furniture of times before this seven-hour day and all the rest of it! People thought about their work then, and not about the cinema! And Winifred, who had never had any work to think about, sighed. It had all been great fun–and, if they could only get this little fuss over, the coming season would be most enjoyable. She had seats already for almost everything. Her hand slipped down to what she was sitting on. Yes, she had only had those chairs re-covered twice in all her forty-seven years in Green Street, and, really, they were quite respectable still. True! no one ever sat on them now, because they were straight up without arms; and in these days, of course, everybody sprawled, so restless, too, that no chair could stand it. She rose to judge the degree of respectability beneath her, tilting the satinwood chair forward. The year Monty died they had been re-covered last–1913, just before the war. Really that had been a marvellous piece of grey-green silk!
Chapter III.
Jon Forsyte’s sensations on landing at Newhaven, by the last possible boat, after five and a half years’ absence, had been most peculiar. All the way by car to Wansdon under the Sussex Downs he was in a sort of excited dream. England! What wonderful chalk, what wonderful green! What an air of having been there for ever! The sudden dips into villages, the old bridges, the sheep, the beech clumps! And the cuckoo–not heard for six years! A poet, somewhat dormant of late, stirred within this young man. Delicious old country! Anne would be crazy about this countryside–it was so beautifully finished. When the general strike was over she could come along, and he would show her everything. In the meantime she would be all right with his mother in Paris, and he would be free for any job he could get. He remembered this bit, and Chanctonbury Ring up there, and his walk over from Worthing. He remembered very well. Fleur! His brother-inlaw, Francis Wilmot, had come back from England with much to say about Fleur; she was very modern now, and attractive, and had a boy. How deeply one could be in love; and how completely get over it! Considering what his old feelings down here had been, it was strange but pleasant to be just simply eager to see Holly and ‘old Val.’
Beyond a telegram from Dieppe he had made no announcement of his coming; but they would surely be here because of the horses. He would like to have a look at Val’s racing stable, and get a ride, perhaps, on the Downs before taking on a strike job.
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